It's been awhile since I post here. Really awhile. Dylan is now officially two. Terrible Two? We will see about that. Although I must admit that there are days that he can be truly terrible and yet there are those days too that he can be so sweet and just plain fun! Whether terrible or sweet, I love him with all so very much. Our little monkey was growing so fast. It makes me feel older as we go through all his birthdays and counting how old he is. July 27 it is, the luckiest day of my life.... We are bIessed to have Dylan for a son. That explains why I just dont find the joy of being away from home so long without him by myside. Sometimes I would want to have a "me" time but when I am all alone, I suddenly miss him. That little bugger ! I dont know I just love to see him around, kiss him, hug him, play wth him or just act plain goofy with him. I just simply love smelling that most unique Dylan baby smell that disappear as when he hits puberty.
We did have a birthday party for Dylan at his daycare with some 10 kids on his class. I'm sure they had a blast with all the cupcakes i've made and some ice cream, talking about sugar rush ! Who needs a bigger party, Dylan is too little to remember everything.
No official word has come out of Dylan's mouth yet but he says a lot now compared to few months ago. Only "jargons" as what his speech teacher calls it. Although it is very frustrating for both of us all the time, we manage to survive but pointing and grunting.
Later on when he can read this, here's the question Mr. D- would you rather have a "power wheels" or a "tricyle" as a gift? As mommy and daddy agreed upon, we are taking you to a toystore and let you try, ride and test between those two. Which one would you prefer.. Actually mommy wants to give you the powerwheels just so you know...
We love you our dear Dylan. Dont grow up so fast. Let us enjoy every minute of you as we enjoy the first time we saw you - on July 27, 2005. For the first time, mommy and daddy felt so much inlove with a stranger we just met !
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