It's been awhile since I posted here. I been very busy at work and home. Motherhood is a 24/7 job with no bonus and retirement. But got a best incentive of all. All the hugs and kisses from my little one. It's been awhile and Dylan is not talking yet. Yeah, talking words of us adult would understand but he sure would let you know in his own words if he wants something, hungry or simple wants something from you. It gets frustrating for both of us because sometimes we just can't understand him.
Everything is well, Dylan is geting bigger every minute. Very very adorable and funny too. As i call him, mommy's little monkey. He copies everything I ask him to do. His latest was my booty dance. Lately too he just likes to play by himself. Anything that he see's new was his favorite toy for the day or a week. Just right now, he took my bubble wrapping popping "like to do" obsession.
He also likes to sit now on a tub which he discovers is fun especially if we give him a bubble bath. He would they there as long as he wants but when he decided that it is ot fun anymore, water is everywhere and mess too.
Last week as I was trying to get his little matchbox car under our indoor heater, he did something that was so cute and clever. I was trying to get the car by my hand, Dylan was behind me anxiously waiting. Suddenly he disapperar. There he came with a stick on his hand. Handed it to me.. Oh I see, he means use this ! I think that it was smart and funny of his at the same time. who could have thought of that and he is only 21 months old. That was not the first. earlier that week he did the same with his dad. He gets the habit of throwing things behind our entertainment center and makes you get it. It can be anything. Mike was trying to get his car, Dylan did the same thing and gave him his toy basebal bat ! Also when I ask him to throw something in a trash, he knows. Dylan can understands everything we tell him. He just can't utter words right now. Isn't it is given that girls walks and talks first before boys.
I'm sure Dylan did some more funny antics but I can't seem to remember it now. As I know was he is turning two in a few more months. Seems like yesterday he was just a baby, now he can get mad and give me an attitude sometimes.
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