Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A mini vacation

We are planning to go back to Hawaii again but since Dylan's Mama Faye and Papa Jim had a hard time coming back we decided not to. We dont have a lot of days off and I am concern not to be able to be back to the mainland on time. So we just decided to go to Hawasee instead. It is located in the northern part of Georgia. It's very nice out there. We stayed at the lakeside house so what's not to like. It was pouring rain when we got there Monday night. The next day it was drizzling. Cool in the morning. We went out boating, I think it was Dylan's first. And being a defiant two and half year old toddler, he refuses to wear lifevest. I am so nervous all the time because he wants to stand next to the edge of the boat with no mommy holding him at all. Daddy is the captain and I am the second in command ! The next day we went to Helen about 25 miles away. We've been there once when Dylan was only 5 months old. This time Dylan gets to sit at the back, no carseat which he absolutely enjoys. That night mommy and daddy get to watch a movie while Dylan stays with mama and papa. After that we had a yummy dinner then we are off to the playroom. Dylan enjoys all the rides, the giant slide but his most favorite was the one where we throw ball at the bear popping from a trashcan. Dylan wants to do it over and over again.

When we got back to Atlanta we went to Georgia Aquarium. We had fun. Dylan loves the whale slide. He did not really pay attention to the Beluga whales but he stayed to watch that Japanese giant spider crabs the longest. Oh well that specie do not even move. Stays in one place.. Of all those amazing sea creatures, Dylan pays attention to something that do not move at all. I guess it the giant claws that catch his attention. What a weird boy !

Then we also watch the 3D animation under the sea adventure. Dylan wears the 3d glass for few minutes and takes it off for the most part. One time on the movie he thought that the trash was right in front of him so he tried to grab it. It's funny !

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A- you're Adorable

Me and Dylan went to this Thai and Vietnamese restaurant closeby. It was Friday, nothing for dinner and I do not feel like cooking. As usual as soon as we get in, Dylan's attention was towards this tiny water feature. I see- the fake plastic fish that caught his eye. At first I was thinking to order something to go but I was home all day and Dylan was at the daycare, oh well why not dine in instead. Ok, we got our table but Dylan just wont sit. Daddy was not around so he can get away with almost anything with me. He makes to much noise, grunts when I said not and just acting plain brat. So I gave him a pat from his "hiny" and he gets my point, "mommy was serious this time". The food was very good. We ate a lot. then there's this woman who sat next to our table who turns around and asked me how old was Dylan. Told her 2 and a half. She said I am blessed ! Well I know that, told her thank you. Then she said how adorable my son. At that time all Dylan was doing was all smile at her and waiving. Can I blame that woman for saying how adorable, charming and cute Dylan is.. Mommy's little man is a charmer !

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Getting Bigger

I took this picture of Dylan about two nights ago. The trick, i bribe him with 2 M&M's to pose for me. Although I did'nt get any smile, it was fine. He stood up and let me take a shot ! My golly, Dylan is no longer a baby. He is getting bigger each day. Like back in August with his 2 year old check up, Dr. Wanebo said he is 26 lbs and 36 in tall. Sometimes I wish that Dylan stays little so I get to enjoy him more. I think every mom would agree with me. Today we took him for speech evaluation. He is not much of a talker.Dylan grunts and uses "jargons" to communicate with us. The evaluation went good. He can follow instructions, excellent with motor skills but not quite a chatterbox yet. Whether Dylan starts talking soon or later, nothing will change. I still love him to death !

Yesterday he said "appy" for puppy. This morning he was hopping ! I showed him that last night. Mike said this morning he was hopping a lot at the kitchen. It was very funny watching him. Told Mike he looks like one of those dog performers at Ringling Bros Circus..

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The best thing...

The best thing that ever happened to me was the day I have Dylan. It turns my life something more meaningful, upside down but with pure simple joy and with real contentment and happiness. I would not joke or lie that it is always not easy all the time but I just enjoy every minute of it. I think the bond between a mother and a child is something that so powerful and I can't even find any words to describe it. From the moment a woman finds out that she's expecting a child, i think that is where it all started. Mothers love their children before they even met them and just continue to love them all the rest of their lives.

Dylan makes me happy. fulfilled, excited, exhausted, angry and many more words to many to type. But on top of that i know that we have such a bond that is so unique and special. Oh Dy, you know mommy loves you to death ! Until I became a mother, I never know how to love someone more than I love myself....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Happy Two

It's been awhile since I post here. Really awhile. Dylan is now officially two. Terrible Two? We will see about that. Although I must admit that there are days that he can be truly terrible and yet there are those days too that he can be so sweet and just plain fun! Whether terrible or sweet, I love him with all so very much. Our little monkey was growing so fast. It makes me feel older as we go through all his birthdays and counting how old he is. July 27 it is, the luckiest day of my life.... We are bIessed to have Dylan for a son. That explains why I just dont find the joy of being away from home so long without him by myside. Sometimes I would want to have a "me" time but when I am all alone, I suddenly miss him. That little bugger ! I dont know I just love to see him around, kiss him, hug him, play wth him or just act plain goofy with him. I just simply love smelling that most unique Dylan baby smell that disappear as when he hits puberty.

We did have a birthday party for Dylan at his daycare with some 10 kids on his class. I'm sure they had a blast with all the cupcakes i've made and some ice cream, talking about sugar rush ! Who needs a bigger party, Dylan is too little to remember everything.

No official word has come out of Dylan's mouth yet but he says a lot now compared to few months ago. Only "jargons" as what his speech teacher calls it. Although it is very frustrating for both of us all the time, we manage to survive but pointing and grunting.

Later on when he can read this, here's the question Mr. D- would you rather have a "power wheels" or a "tricyle" as a gift? As mommy and daddy agreed upon, we are taking you to a toystore and let you try, ride and test between those two. Which one would you prefer.. Actually mommy wants to give you the powerwheels just so you know...

We love you our dear Dylan. Dont grow up so fast. Let us enjoy every minute of you as we enjoy the first time we saw you - on July 27, 2005. For the first time, mommy and daddy felt so much inlove with a stranger we just met !

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Just an update

It's been awhile since I posted here. I been very busy at work and home. Motherhood is a 24/7 job with no bonus and retirement. But got a best incentive of all. All the hugs and kisses from my little one. It's been awhile and Dylan is not talking yet. Yeah, talking words of us adult would understand but he sure would let you know in his own words if he wants something, hungry or simple wants something from you. It gets frustrating for both of us because sometimes we just can't understand him.
Everything is well, Dylan is geting bigger every minute. Very very adorable and funny too. As i call him, mommy's little monkey. He copies everything I ask him to do. His latest was my booty dance. Lately too he just likes to play by himself. Anything that he see's new was his favorite toy for the day or a week. Just right now, he took my bubble wrapping popping "like to do" obsession.

He also likes to sit now on a tub which he discovers is fun especially if we give him a bubble bath. He would they there as long as he wants but when he decided that it is ot fun anymore, water is everywhere and mess too.

Last week as I was trying to get his little matchbox car under our indoor heater, he did something that was so cute and clever. I was trying to get the car by my hand, Dylan was behind me anxiously waiting. Suddenly he disapperar. There he came with a stick on his hand. Handed it to me.. Oh I see, he means use this ! I think that it was smart and funny of his at the same time. who could have thought of that and he is only 21 months old. That was not the first. earlier that week he did the same with his dad. He gets the habit of throwing things behind our entertainment center and makes you get it. It can be anything. Mike was trying to get his car, Dylan did the same thing and gave him his toy basebal bat ! Also when I ask him to throw something in a trash, he knows. Dylan can understands everything we tell him. He just can't utter words right now. Isn't it is given that girls walks and talks first before boys.

I'm sure Dylan did some more funny antics but I can't seem to remember it now. As I know was he is turning two in a few more months. Seems like yesterday he was just a baby, now he can get mad and give me an attitude sometimes.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy 2007

It seems like we were celebrating the 06 and we are now in another year. Time went by so fast before our very eyes. Dylan will be 18 months . Not yet two but already showing signs of a handful toddler. Wasn't talking yet but just mumble. A pointer ! Points at eveything he wants. Before he starts walking we were so anxious for him to start walking, then just about 2 weeks after his ist birthday, Dylan start walking and walking since then. Then we said" why can't he just sit still?" Now we are anxious again for him to start talking, then we can't make him stop.

Didn't do much on New Years eve. For one thing I was sick. We just stayed home and watch all the New Years show on tv and off to bed. There is nothing as the celebration of New Years eve in the Philippines. I grow up with loud noises if firecrakers of different sort which people use to welcome the New Year. Seems like every year they have this new kind of firecrakers that are more louded, bigger and extremely dangerous when use uncautiosly. How many times i've seen on tv over there poeple lose their fingers or hands from fireworks accidents and yet they still do it again every year. I guess they will not stop doing that until they lose all their fingers and 2 hands.

There is nothing like all your neighbors come by and visit. Seems like more family to me than anything else. I would like Dylan to experience that kind of culture that is very unique. I always miss celebrating holidays in the country where I was born and raise because there is nothing like that every where I go. I think for most part it is not so materialistic at all. We are very happy to have people around. Nothing fancy but everything so down to earth. I wish one day we can do that. We can take Dylan over there and get to enjoy it as much as I do !

I hope this new year would bring us more wealth in our minds, spirit and soul. More closer as a family and more closer to watch Dylan grow everyday....