Saturday was hectic day. We celebrate Halloween a bit earlier since I am working late on the 31st. We went to Kemah for their annual "boo at the Kemah boardwalk". It was so much fun. This year Dylan gets to be the "tiny ninja" . He looks so adorable with it. Last year he was a "batman". Time fly by so fast, last year Dylan was just a tiny "nut" and now he's as handful as he can be. Did'ne get lots of candies but I made sure I got a couple of "suckers" for him. That day when Dylan gets to taste his first candy. We gave him one, he licks and drools. I sucker down and he wants more ! But of course Mike being around, one was enough.
It was very crowded at the boardwalk. The kids looks very adorable and cute with different costumes they have on. Dylan spotted pumpkins and he took the tiniest one that he can hold. There were other ones but it was so heavy and huge. There was one huge pumpkins in the middle where everyone can guess how much it weighs.
Our dinner was at Joe'sCrab. It was good. Dylan was kept busy by watching the table next to us with 3 young boys. At least they keep him entertain. He loves the ccorn bread and almost anything we fed him that night. There's this lady too that makes balloons into different shapes. We got Dylan a "black cat" just because it was Hallloween. Turns out he bites it and later pop it.
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