In a blink of an eye, my Dylan was already 14 month old. Soon he will be a teenager and before I knew it - a grown up man ! That is why I enjoy every moment I get to spend with him. Dylan just give me so much fun. He is such a fun baby ! very cute ! smitten by him all the time. He can't talk yet but he make sure he gets what he wants. He points at something that he wants and if you gave him what he was aking for then he would grunt, or cry , or simply irritable. Last night, I gave Dylan a small piece of cheese pizza and he sure loves it. I was washing the dishes and a paper towel fell off the floor, Dylan was right next to me, pick up the paper towel and wipes his mouth and took off to go to his daddy. I think that is so cute for him to do that. I haven't told him that but he sure remebers that a paper towel is for wiping..
Last night he was sitting on his high chair eating, then he turns around and pointed to me the elephant. Since I been teaching him that, he now knows.. What a smart baby !
Also a while ago, I gave him a small cookie that our dog Sharmon who's been trying to get from him since I gave it to Dylan. anyway the poor dog just got a punch from his nose from who else but Dylan who laughs after doing so.
The very first thing he learn from me was the " cho cho train". Dylan was about 5 months old and I taught him where the cho cho was in his room. It was the quilt that was a gift to him with cho cho train. before when ask him "where's the cho cho train"? he would look at it, his big brown eyes. Now he points at it ! he points at the bear bear, duck duck and the bird bird ! Yeah I said those to him twice since I read that teaching a child like Dylan's age help them comprehend a lot faster if you say the word twice...
Then he discovers that it is alot easier to open the fridge, just a little bit of elbow grease. He thinks it is fun.
One day I ask told him doggie say "woof woof" , and I made some piggy sound. And while i was doing those sounds, he stood up and went to his toys and pick up the "animals book", oh my Dylan knows....
And what about when he is hungry or wants something to eat???? Dylan would take you exactly where to go. His high chair ! It means mommy feed me. One time he even holds his high chair !
Since he start walking we can't keep up with him anymore. Gotta go outside all the time. I just love playing with him outside the yard with Mike of course.
In a couple of weeks it is Halloween again and I am very excited. I get to dress Dylan in a costume. He sure hates anything that goes on his head so I will try to get him something that does not have a mask, a hat etc etc. I'm sure he will be stinkin' cute.
For a while I gotten crazy about buying him shoes since he start walking. I think he should have shoes for every outfit to match. Is that some crazy new addiction of mine????? Also I just can't stop buying him clothes. He just got to have something new all the time.
I just wish we can spend more time with him if we dont have to work. ....
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