I have written this for Dylan, for his first birthday.... I love you very much Kiddo !
A year ago today......
…Went to have my one last big meal the night before because the following day I will be scheduled for c-section.... I don’t think I can have epidural free delivery.
... 20 minutes of labor ended up the doctor telling me a C-Section was necessary.
... My worst fears was realized as I laid on the operating table.
... I realized the greatest bliss in the world when I heard Dylan muffled cries were heard. I saw when my dr pulled him with one eye open and he told me he looks exactly like me.
... I saw a pride in Mike I never imagined as he came back from seeing our son and said "He looks just like you. Kiss me and told me that I did a good job.
... I felt love stronger as I looked at my son's face for the first time.
... I held my son for the first time and said, "I don't really know what I am doing quite yet, but I will do everything to learn. I will give you the world, Dylan." And I meant it.
... I realized just how huge and incredible my purpose in this world really is.
... I realized what people mean when they say they would kill for their child.
... I knew a fear, a love, a pride, uncertainty never known before.
A year ago today, James Dylan Coley was born at 8:28 AM, weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces at 20 3/4 inches long. A year ago today, I held my heart in my hands for the very first time.
I can't believe it has been a year. It seems like lifetimes ago, yet like yesterday. I remember every detail - every sight, every smell, every sound was the most incredible, life-altering day in my life. There is something so breathtaking and magical about looking at a perfect little face, gazing into beautiful eyes, having a tiny hand wrap around your finger. Knowing that that face, those eyes, and that hand - that is you. That is your child, your legacy, your one chance to do it right. I know Dylan picked me and Mike, as parents, and I will do everything I can to continue to be the best mother in the world for him. He deserves it. He deserves the world.

It is extremely hard for me to type this, as we transition from baby to a one year old .... I am already inlove with you the minute I saw you.
Happy Birthday, my dear Dylanpoo.
Have the best year ever :)
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