This morning Dylan brought me a card and a single rose to bed. Friday afternoon, he brought me a card which he made with teachers help at the daycare. He can't quite say yet the "Mommy, happy mother's day " phrase but I am delighted to see him this morning when I woke up. The rose and a card comes with the sweetest kiss that boy can ever give me..
This is my 3rd year celebrating mama's day and each year gets sweeter and sweeter. The ist year was different because I haven't given birth to Dylan yet. I was six months pregnant but Mike did not forget to celebrate the day.
I always look forward to this day. I know I was born for a great purpose- To gave birth to Dylan. Having him just makes my life so meaningful, happy, tired, contented and proud. Although there are times that I get frustrated when he is acting like a terrible two's that he is right now but at the end of the day and when I put him to bed, there is nothing can top the greater joy of receiving a big kiss and a hug from Dylan.
I got 2 cards from Dylan and a flower, a card, a coach perfume and a dozen roses from Mike. LIfe is so much fun and rewarding and I can't ask for anything else anymore.
Growing up my mother and I have our own shares of ups and downs. My mother is tough, strict, protective but generally loving and caring. Since I am the "only" girl, no one can ever imagine how it was to grow up under her watchful eye? He always had my younger brother spy on me(that explains why as kids we fought so much). Back then I don't understand why she was so strict and she snoops on all my stuff, she even confronted a guy who wrote me a love letter and told the poor fellow to stop courting my daughter and here's your letter(tough!), As far as I remember she confronted all the guys that my brother told her who I am interested with. I am so embarass when she would just appear out of nowhere when I was just talking to a friend but an opposite sex. I don't know but it seems like my mother has a special radar or GPS to track me down everywhere I go. But gosh it was the 80' and 90's GPS weren't that popular then to my knowledge.... I hate it then but now that I am a mother and have matured a lot, I realize why.. It am so thankful now because she did a good of not letting me just ruin my life and ended up with some losers that I was in love with back then. It would be terrible for me to think now how my life would have ended if my mother did not guide me and watch me closely as I grow up. Thanks to her special GPS.. After all, when I graduated collage she let loose.. ha ha .
I may not be a perfect daughter but i know in my heart I am a good mom !